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cooking class & workshop testimonials

Just want to say this has been the year of ‘Soulla & Star Organic’ for me!

It all started with searches online to tweak my existing broth making. Then it was your Instagram which is so so helpful. Then your recipes.
Then the casserole workshop ( I’ve made 4 since November!). Then the YLEO (which i admit, i feared was some freaky pyramid scheme) & your night & the PSK which has been transformational. They’re beautiful! Then THIS week, along with the PSK delivery, your online workshop bundle!! (I couldn’t make your earlier workshops). It’s all super & fantastic & you’re an absolute inspiration! So at risk of sounding like a crazy fan, thank you thank you!

I work in public health as an emergency social worker & i care for family with health/ageing issues so I have learnt loads from you which I’ll use forever & really wanted to convey my gratitude & say bloody well, well done! You clearly work hard & are very generous to share what you know.
— Stacey
I’ve got the bone broth, slow cook and cakes workshops. It’s literally changed the way I cook for the better. Delicious meals, super easy and my husband says I am a “great cook”. Amazing LOL.
— Rhoda
Having a BIG we love Soulla morning here today. 2 ingredient banana pancake for breaky, pot of broth on & decided to try kvass with 6 & 4 yo...miss 6 loves it...master 4 didn’t want to try then we showed him how red your teeth go. Got in on the fun but not a total fan - he’s tried it, that’s the best part!
Did a slow cooked casserole on Monday - in the oven before I left for work, had time to jump on the tramp with the kids early evening whilst I steamed greens to go with it and dinner on the table with minimal fuss, minimal time for prep and max nutrient density.
Also made a lemon cake earlier in the week after Miss 6 was sad her lunchbox didn’t have cake and all those things other kids get. I was so excited to ‘healthy swap’ it and give her some cake knowing it was crap free and nourishing goodness (& the most exciting when I asked her what she wanted in her lunch box she said lemon cake 💕).

My heart explodes with gratitude almost daily for your presence in my world and your dedication to sharing your knowledge. I’m so grateful I’ve found you and your tribe as I often feel very alone in this journey but I know in my heart it’s the right Soulla, I know you mentioned in a live recently you’ve got a lot going on in your life atm...if you happen to have a bad day, please stop and remind yourself what an amazing guide you are to so many of us and how eternally grateful we are for everything you do. Endless thanks to you lovely lady. There truely aren’t enough words. I hope you have a wonderful day xxx
— Kerry
Thank you so much. I am completely blown away by the wealth of information you gave me last night and I’m so excited to go on this journey and have you there for support. It is really inspiring.
Thank you also for your wonderful recipes and sharing your organ meats workshop notes with me. Very generous. I can’t wait for the day your works are published. I’m sure it is not far off
— Nikki
Dear Beautiful amazing Soulla, I just had to send this to you and let you know that I think of you with such love and extreme gratitude every time I put on a pot of broth. My children are now asking for it and I can’t get enough of it. Endless love and thanks to to you for sharing your knowledge. That bone broth workshop was the best investment ever!
— Kerry
Hi Soulla! I have just been re-reading everything from last night and sitting here amazed by your knowledge and ability to share it in such an incredible way. I cannot thank you enough. You’re just incredible and I hope one day to be able to have your level of understanding and be able to help people like you do
— Kerry
Soulla, you are amazing....your fast pace of innovative and quality goods and recommendations is overwhelming...we are loving it...and loving essential oils...have done away wth soap and moisturiser...i just use body scrub we made at your place now ....i absolutely love it....many thanx

Ps love the diffuser too..
— Maria
I am so excited for your bone broth workshop as I got so much out of the breakfast one. I have completely got rid of all grains out of my diet, I had already over time reduced to only small portions of high quality organic grains etc but you encouraged me to take that last step and am already feeling much better. I have re introduced whole milk and kefir, as well as having way more greens, and increased my meal portions, plus being a bit more creative with my smoothies. Considering how much I was already doing that I had learnt from Jen and Anthia, I am very excited to get so much from the workshop. I have already noticed my teeth becoming less transparent, its amazing how quick things can change. I also went and did a foam roller class at your gym which was really helpful too. You are doing magical work in this world and I love it!!!! Thanks for being such and inspiration
— Tegan
I thoroughly enjoyed your breakfast workshop the other night and more importantly my daughter did too. We’ve already cooked 2 recipes which may daughter loved and asked for seconds. She hardly eats avocado but was downing it with the omelette. My eldest had the steamed greens with parmesan and pine-nuts – that was delicious! My son is loving the power bars and was downing those at 9pm last night
— Maria
Just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how much I loved your chocolate workshop on Friday… was so much fun and very informative and great to be a part of something that you are so passionate about :) I also wanted to let you know that I am now a complete convert to your delicious pâté and would love to be on the email alert when a new batch is in the fridge (if there is such a thing!). I’m sure you’ll see me at some future workshops and look forward to lining up when your cookbook hits the shops!
— Sandie
Hi Soulla! I just wanted to let you know how much I learned from last night. You’ve completely inspired me and can not stop researching all you talked about and incorporating and changing the way I will eat. So thank you. I was the girl in pink in the front. Totally considering bone broth now even as pescatarian. You look and live health! You should write a book!!!
— Lunna
We would like to thank you for an exceptional workshop and your valuable time after. We have learnt so much and we can’t wait to start practising your recipes. Every single one we have made on Sunday was delicious and felt extremely fresh and healthy. Our trip from NQ was worth it.
— Jan and Chantel
I found your notes from our kefir workshop and just have to say to you, how great your work and commitment is in my view. I love your blog and all the tips, have been pulling e.g. for weeks now and find it has great results! Thank you!
— Andrea
Hi Soulla, Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy life to discuss the benefits on bone broth and sharing your experience. I really enjoyed the class (as well as the nuts that i purchased) and will be awaiting eagerly for your next classes that you release. I’m trying to put into practices some of your principles and slowly going to ween myself off all of the grains that I consume on a daily basis. Thanks again!
— Jackie
Firstly want to say my partner and I have just started watching your workshops and I made my first ever broth (at the age of 52) and it turned out PERFECT. We are changing everything about how we eat - making important changes anyway - so thanks!
— Brenton
Thank you for all your daily wisdoms and authenticity 😇 I have 4 daughter in laws and I know they enjoy your education too. Take a bow Soulla you are changing the world with your love and passion 🍃 thank you
— Jacinta
Your cooking class was amazing when I attended. I love your story - so powerful and brave. You played a part in inspiring me to quit an extremely stressful job which led to me realizing I had a problem with disordered eating (due to the stress) and now I work in an industry I adore and I am healing and recovering with real food (often purchased from you)! You are a genuinely good soul and an inspiration. I am grateful for the resources you share and the knowledge you provide. As well as the delicious food you produce. Thank you, truly thank you 💖🙏🏻
— Nadine
Soulla, your slow cooking course has revolutionised the way our family plans, prepares and enjoys meals together. On the nights when I know we will be coming in late from work or after school activities, it is so comforting to know that there is a nutritionally rich, delicious, slow cooked meal in the oven ready to eat. All it takes is 10 or 15 minutes of preparation the night before and our dinner dilemmas are solved! Our family is happier, healthier and more organised thanks to you.
— Stephanie
Your advice and cooking classes have inspired me to completely transform what I eat and cook for my family in 2014. Cooking is now thoroughly enjoyable, I’ve become very passionate about the source and processing of the food, including a thirst for further knowledge on the subject. A big thank you! It’s your straight forward, easy and simple approach that really resonated with me. The wholefood journey started seriously for me after your lacto-fermentation workshop at the end of 2013. It was not an easy one to implement with the family (still a few challenges), but I knew something had changed dramatically when I came home tonight. My partner had cooked an amazing vegetable omelette for the family with a beautiful salad full of avocado, grass fed cheese, organic veggies, olive oil, apple cider vinegar etc. This would never have been the case a year ago (especially for someone who rarely cooked anything from scratch). My kids also go mad for sauerkraut, which was never the case when I first started making it. It goes to show (and I see this pattern repeatedly with my kids), you can’t give up after the first few attempts. Kids eventually acquire the taste for good whole food. They even enjoyed chicken livers cooked in butter straight out of the pan to my partners absolute horror :) I have always been one to eat really healthy (so I thought) and exercise vigorously for a few months, but it was never sustainable and would revert back to bad eating habits (a yoyo approach to a healthily lifestyle). I now never feel hungry, find it effortless to sustain my weight, and absolutely love cooking good whole food. I look forward to many more cooking classes and advice in 2015. BTW, your rice pudding recipe was a hit!”
— Justin
I just really wanted to say a big thank you to you. I’ve never had a one on one with you but I’ve been to 3 of your workshops and followed you on Instagram and your emails for about 1.5-2yrs. I’m dealing with some health issues and you have inspired me so much. I was perhaps ready to just take it all in but you have made my journey to better health invaluable. Today I was thinking about you and how grateful I am that I heard about you 2yrs ago. Thank you for being so inspiring and thank you for all your hard work. I really appreciate it and I’m sure many of your customers do.
— Anna
Thank you very much for your bone broth workshop. There are so many things I loved about it- and about the way you run your workshops. First of all the scientific based approach as well as the emphasis on the most efficient methods (time and ingredient - wise). Lots of small details that make a difference (I.e size of pot needed, etc). And also your honest and personal approach to it - which is helpful and refreshing- as well as your passion which always inspires me to eat and cook more healthy. Finally I am really thankful that in addition to your workshops you also sell your beautiful products which make for healthy fast food for the family on days when I’ve run out of food or too busy to make from scratch
— Claudia
You are amazing!! I don’t like cooking but when I watch your stories.. I feel inspired. Your knowledge and passion is incredible. Thanks for sharing
— Sophie
Omg Soulla! So much thanks to you for the amazing morning today - totally buzzing after a catching with your incredible mind and like minded people. I always get a bit star struck when I see you in person as I’m just in awe of your knowledge and principles
— Kerry
I LOVED Saturday’s workshop. I feel like I have been opened to a new world. Have already used most of the oils in the kit. Thank you very much for having the kits available to take home (so much easier than picking up from the post office). And thank you for having me in your beautiful home
— Melissa
Thank you so much Soulla - such a generous, inspiring and delicious breakfast workshop!
— Sally
I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed all your workshops, and how invaluable the information you gave us was. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do them. Thank you so much
— Rebecca
Thanks for the Bone Broth class on Thursday night, full of fun and inspiration. I had been intending to do a class for some time, And am thankful I finally committed, can’t wait for the next, your passion and no nonsense approach has left me extremely inspired
— Georgina
Hi Soulla, Just wanted to thank you so much for sharing your beautiful food and amazing knowledge with us tonight. I was thinking as you were speaking, being a lawyer is pretty good training - your intelligence and meticulous attention to detail was evident, and of course you are a natural and passionate presenter. I really appreciated hearing from Anthia, too. What a treat, when there is so much information and misinformation out there about healthy eating, to hear such a sensible and intelligent approach; instinctive yet backed up by science. I really appreciate it and am excited and inspired. I would love to learn more. thank you too for all the work you put into preparing the fantastic handout.
— Katie
The most nourishing and delicious food - such clean ingredients and no seed oils in sight! My favourite lunch spot in Sydney. You’ll thank yourself for going here.
— Sarah
Soulla, a huge thank you to both you and Lisa for a fun and informative evening. I learnt so much and will no doubt be purchasing a kit from you in the near future! I can’t get over how versatile they are and how they are such a simple and effective way to optimise every pillar of wellbeing. I left feeling very inspired!
— Greer [essential oils workshop]
I just wanted to let you know I have tried the lamb brains and scrambled eggs recipe and I love it! Your right, you can’t even taste it, if anything it just makes it thicker which isn’t a bad thing. I have been eating it for breakfast the last three days and it keeps me fuller for longer. I no longer need two lots of snacks to get me to lunch. Thanks!

ONLINE workshop testimonials

Soulla I just want to say your products are life changing. I honestly can never go back to just eating anything on the market. I’ve gotten my family and friends into eating bone broth and they love it and see the benefits of gut healing.
— Fay
You are what you eat and Soulla gets this! Her work shops are the perfect mix of inspiration and information. They are well thought out and teach you to prepare nutrient dense foods that are as good for you as they taste. The chocolate coconut cake I made was absolutely delicious and perfect for my 3 year old’s birthday party. As a mum and a paediatrician I know the value of a good diet. Thank you Soulla for making it so easy!
— Paediatrian Dr Deb Levy
Just a quick email to let you know I finally watched your Bone Broth video this morning. I really enjoyed it and I feel so fortunate to have come across you. Thank you for sharing your story and sharing your knowledge of the gift of good health. I may not be where I want to be (just yet), but I’m thankful for not being where I used to be...
— Debby
After doing these two online workshops presented, I can not recommend them highly enough as the perfect gift of good health (Gluten Free Baked Cakes and Bone Broth)

This year the magic of the universe brought Soulla into my life and we have spent the year swapping tips about all that we are passionate about! It’s funny because it was making bone broth and fermenting that originally got me into Building Biology years ago! I have such admiration for Soulla’s integrity, knowledge and passion as well as the amazing quality produced in everything she does. That is why...if you are searching for a Christmas present for that special someone (definite brownie points and what is more important than good health?)....please look no further.

These workshops give clear and easy to follow information which you can access from the comfort of your home, great tips (even for those who have already been making bone broth and healthy cakes for years like myself), a great table format so you can use what you have, healthy swaps clearly mapped out, well researched (which will save you years of doing your own)...and it all makes sense because Soulla knows what works!!! They are the gift that keeps giving . I love and thoroughly agree with Soulla’s philosophy ~ “This is not about deprivation. This is about healthy swaps”!! These workshops are a must! Thank you for everything you do Soulla ....truly life-changing!
I LOVED your broth workshop. It distilled down everything that I had spent months researching from library books on brothing! So practical.
— Suzanne
I’m seriously loving your online workshops - very informative, great presentation, the way you welcome me into your kitchen is amazing. The cakes all look sensational- I’m not sure which one to try first (the only thing holding me back is knowing I’m going to eat them all!). The broth workshop also amazing, I watched it then made it. Even though I’ve made broth often I’ve struggled to get the gelatinous character- not this time!!! It’s so jelly like it’s amazing you answered many questions!
— Marianna
I’ve been making bone broth for the past year in the slow cooker and on the hob, however could never get a good layer of ‘fat’ on the top. I followed your booklet instructions and bought a 10L pot, left out the vegetables, added in feet and two more organic carcasses and BINGO - best broth I’ve ever made!! I’ve made some cubes for our smoothies also. Excited. I’m delighted and ever so grateful you offered the online course. It’s already a game-changer for our family
— Helen
Hi Soulla! Turned your choc hazelnut cake into cupcakes topped with your choc icing and some fresh organic edible flowers from my garden! Needless to say they were delicious and hit the spot! 😍😍
— Marianna
Just started this workshop last night and loving it so far. Can’t wait to try the ganache recipe for Christmas parties! I love that you have included specific Thermomix directions for each recipe where applicable so it’ll be even quicker and easier. Just what this mamma of a newborn and toddler needs
— Emily
I’m so exited! Thanks for another brilliant online workshop I’ve watched it already while I was at the hairdresser! I’ll be preparing the Mediterranean slow cooked lamb shoulder ready for dinner tomorrow! Yum! Love listening to all your advice especially the section on why not all meat is equal! Thanks again have an awesome day!
— Rebecca
Soulla, I love the online slow cook recipes and so do my children. Thank you for sharing so generously your knowledge and help create a wider consciousness about healthy traditional meals
— Karina
We live just north of Coffs, Broth Bar was a must-visit whilst in Sydney. Love your page and all your tips and knowledge that you share. Picked up some Ningxia, chocolate, broth and some gummies.
— Renee

Star Anise Organic Wholefood product testimonials

I just wanted to send a big thank you to you and your team. I’ve purchased your delicious soups and broths twice over the last couple of weeks and received them within two days. I imagine you and the team are super busy during this crazy time, and the fact you’ve maintained your excellent service is just amazing. I’ve been delivering half of my orders to my elderly parents. My mum is recovering from triple bypass surgery and doesn’t have much appetite or energy to make dinner at the moment. Your soups are just perfect for her - easy to prepare, nutritious and delicious! Thanks again, you have gained a customer for life! I hope you and your team continue to stay well and healthy, and thank you again for all you’re doing to keep healthy and well-fed. ;)
— Lisi
There is something very special about your broth. after having your broth, I could not have any other broth...! it’s the only bone broth (apart from the chicken soup made at home) (and I have been vegan for a while). As we sip your soup, we can feel the warmth, the care, the integrity... so much in a cup of soup! Thank you again for all your gift
— Fumi
Soulla, your products are amazing. The nuts are the nicest nuts I have ever eaten! The other snacks did not last very long.. used some of the coconut balls as a small desert and they were a massive hit. Very happy to recommend your products (and eat them myself!). I look forward to working with you and in the Eastern Suburbs.
— Dr Kate Norris
I have had many organic/natural chocolates over the last 10 years from all over the world… these ones have to be the best by far! My fav is the fruit and nut and cinnamon crunch… well done! Your macadamia nuts are the best too!
— Peter
Soulla, your activated nuts melt in my mouth. I feel like its the first time in ages that I met someone dedicated to goodness. Love it
— Ashraya
I am writing to you after last nights event at Conscious Club and having the pleasure of sampling your products - YUM! I read your information that you handed out last night and was really impressed with your business and intrigued by your journey in getting there
— Rachel
Awww Soulla, the goods arrived, and oh myyyy, they are sooo delicious! The muesli is absolutely yummy (could devour it all day long) and the pate, well i have just tried the onion and date one and couldn’t stop myself eating half the tub!! Yummy yummy! Thank you sooo much for making such delicious nutritious whole food, it tastes sooo good!!!
— Fiona
I just wanted to let you know that last weekend I ran an event for 30 women in Sydney and served your mixed nuts as apart of the afternoon tea. There was nothing left at the end. They were a massive hit. They make my life simple and they are divine
— Amanda
Hi Soulla! Just thought I’d drop you a line to say I loved your date, nut and coconut balls last night! I’m still in raptures! Well done & keep up the great work!
— Lis
The cake was sensational. I cant wait to serve them. TRULY!!!!!!!! Amazing cake!! You are so good!
— Anthia
I just wanted to let you know that your muesli is so delicious. It has the most amazing combination of flavours & textures & our family love it! There is nothing else like it on the market. Thank you so much!
— Heather
Just a quick note to say thank you! I’ve been stalking your Instagram over the holidays and re-creating recipes based on what I’ve observed. I wanted to say thank you for your inspiration to make simple, easy and super nutritious meals. Between san choy bow, beef pho and date balls - both my husband and I are enjoying what I am sure will become staples in our household
— Rebecca
I purchased your chicken bone broth the other week and it was amazing. I brought another brand the other day as I wasn’t able to make it into Bronte and your broth is by far superior.
— Tamara
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your product. I’m probably developing an addiction - no, not developing, I’m addicted!! The flavour is complex and the texture so smooth. And I’m developing a taste for the orange and chilli too. Thanks for a great product.
— Elizabeth
Hi Soulla my goodness your beef and liver cubes are incredible! ThAnk you for existing and making magic to help people like me!
— Sally
This is my favourite soup!! When I feel like I can’t get satisfied with anything I eat or that hormonal time of the month. I have your green soup and my cravings go away. I am sustained for hours feeling full and light
— Emma
The shepards pie was better than I could have ever imagined. Please extend my gratitude to your beautiful team at the Broth Bar, you did those ingredients justice. I left feeling nourished, comforted and grounded. Thank you for a blissful food experience 🙏
— Sammie
Hi Soulla. I just wanted to say the biggest thanks for your beautiful broths, of which I have lived on for the past 8 days. I had a tumor removed from my thyroid along with half my thyroid just over a week ago and a few of my girlfriends stocked my freezer with your broths, as I could only eat soups. They have made my recovery fast and I looked so forward to them every day. So, happy to have found you and your wonderful broths. Thank you.
— Deb
Seriously loving every single cup of broth, liver and chicken noodle soup whenever I put it on!!
Can’t thank you enough for introducing all of this glorious food and Weston Prices traditions for us all!! Adore and love what you do!
— Chrissy
Your power bar today was a life saver, providing the energy needed for giving 7 back to back massages, thanks!
— Georgina
I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for the great work that you are doing to help people (myself included) eat more nourishing food and live a more healthy and natural life! And also for making bone broth for me when i don’t do it for myself!!! You’re doing such a great job and have put yourself out there in such a magical way
— Erin
Soulla, The macadamia nuts were far and away the best macadamia nuts I have ever tasted. The texture was perfect and they were gorgeous quality nuts. I must say, I find all macadamia nuts though bland relative to other nuts. I eat them occasionally (and I try and keep my nut portions pretty small, max ¼ cup on any given day) because I know they are lower in omega 6’s then other nuts. I personally prefer your almonds, cashews and walnuts (have not tried the pecans yet). That said, all your nuts are definitely the best nuts of any brand either my husband and I have tasted. Before he tried your sauerkraut and pate, my husband would have sworn black and blue he hated both. Now he loves the weekend pate lunch and eats sauerkraut with his lunch salad every day!
— Alexandra
Soulla - your chocolate bars are insane. So delicious!
— Sylvia
Darling I wanted to deeply thank you for the nourishment you create from your heart came through Sydney briefly a week ago on my way to Bowral for my weeks intensive school work and picked up many containers of your Chicken broth. It was such a privilege to eat every day, it sustained me through everything I was learning and going through for the week... I could feel the love and intention within it and my body loved it and I love you!! Thank you for being a trail blazer, a powerful woman and a beautiful soul... Hugs to you and your family
— Emma
Just wanted to say the pate is amazing - thank you! I’ve just had to stop my mother eating anymore!
— Eleni
Soulla, that pate is off the charts. Ate it and feel like the lights switched back on in my head - its amazing, and I’ll pick up 4 next week. Thanks again, you’ve made a big change for me already
— Amanda

Soulla Chamberlain Health Coaching Testimonials

Hi Soulla! I’ve been following for awhile and just wanted to say how much I love all your posts. I aspire to be like you. I’ve just had a beautiful baby girl who is now 3 months old and while I’ve always been quite health conscious, you make me want to now ask about seed oils when I dine out! It’s something I’m really trying to avoid in the home and it has been easier trying to just slowly swap things out. Thank you for doing what you do and posting the real stuff! ❤️ love and light to you
— Sigorney
I have followed Soulla the last few years on social media. Her approach was different to what I was used to seeing in regards to health compared to what I had trialled in the past( vegan, veg, calorie counting etc) I began incorporating more nutrient dense foods into my diet and felt the benefits. When I was early in pregnancy, I felt called to work with Soulla in her 1:1 coaching. I am so glad I did. My body felt so fuelled during pregnancy and even post partum. Despite lack of sleep I still feel better now than I did years ago. Soulla is a wealth of knowledge and a power house at what she does. Highly recommend this incredible woman.
— Leah
I have been meaning to touch base with you for a few months now.

I did one on one coaching with you at the start of 2020 in preparation for my IVF journey, I was using donor eggs from my sister. Well on June the 28th I gave birth too identical twin girls, they were born at 36 weeks and 4 days and weighed a healthy 3.2 and 2.9kgs. The doctors were all shocked with how healthy they were and the fact they didn’t need to go into the nursery, I put this down to the fact that I followed your nourishing guidelines throughout the pregnancy. They are also the happiest and healthiest babies!! They love their sleep and have been so settled since the entered this world!

After the labour I had some complications and lost around 2.5 litres of blood, I had to have two blood transfusions and was told I would be sick for sometime. The very next day I was up and walking around and the doctors were again very surprised. I do believe this was all down to what I ate in the pregnancy.

The day after labour I told my partner to go home and get your bone broth, I started drinking this and I have had such an easy recovery!

Thank you for all your information and guidance. I truly believe that the reason I conceived easily, carried twins easily and recovered so quickly was because I followed what you had given me.

Now I am just excited about getting these little girls onto the broth and pate.
— Hayley
Your coaching and knowledge is seriously life changing. So grateful we crossed paths 🙏
— Katie
I just love your energy, Soulla. Along with all you share, so generously. It’s educational, inspiring and empowering. Thank you so much.
— Helen
It’s been a long time since my last coaching session with you but I just wanted to give you a massive THANK YOU and a general update on how your guidance and a traditional whole food diet has had a profound affect on me!

I first met you at a bone broth workshop in mid 2015 and since then have been making my own broths and consuming them daily. They have added such delicious-ness to every meal and slow cooking has become a real passion and joy. After my first one on one session with you I came off the pill (ding! depression instantly lifted) completely overhauled my diet and read such interesting literature about whole foods and face shapes and foetal development (I must admit, I got somewhat obsessed with childrens faces for a while there). Everything balanced out and I was feeling great, able to tackle new challenges and make some big decisions and improvements for my life. It all came really in to play these last two months though and made me really appreciate the vitality traditional eating has brought to my life.

In September I fell pregnant (my first) and in November I found out it was ectopic. In hospital I was treated twice with Methotrexate - are you familiar with it? nasty stuff. My body took it really badly, I was really sick, lost hair, blistered, felt completely deflated and the crashing hormones had my emotions all over the place. After a few weeks my kidneys failed and completely shut down, unable to process the chemotherapy anymore I ended up back in hospital to get some fluid in to me. Finally starting to feel better I headed home to NZ to see my family and as soon as I got there suffered a huge second haemorrhage and was expected to need a blood transfusion. Upon arrival the doctors couldn’t believe my bloods, I was so high in iron! How was there a scrap of folinic acid in me when I had lost litres of blood and been on a drug that obliterates folate?? LIVER! Oh my goodness I’m sure its liver that saved me! I went on a binge. As soon as I had the methotrexate I stepped up my game and started consuming liver much more frequently, i moved up from a chicken and lamb combo in my mince to a lamb and cow combo and started swallowing multiple small chunks of raw frozen cow liver every morning and it had my levels up so well that I didn’t even need a blood transfusion, the doctors were happy that I’d be able to replenish my own stores. It has really helped me get through everything knowing how to fuel my body and give it all the replenishment needed in its healing time. with all this toxic waste of a drug running around in my system, trying to rebuild my blood stores and also going through the emotions of losing a pregnancy.

So thank you Soulla, your introduction and inspiration has, quite literally, saved me...
— Rebecca
I’ve just finished the most incredible health coaching series with Soulla from @staraniseorganic sharing her wisdom on nourishing your body and eating nutrition-dense traditional whole foods (+ lots more!)

I’ve seen a huge increase in my energy levels and am finally full after my meals instead of snacking throughout the day.

She shares so many recipes, tips and info on her IG and blog. Highly recommend!

It’s amazing the changes you can make when you invest in yourself and have someone supporting you and keeping you accountable.
— Ashleigh
Just want to say thank you for the work you do. I’ve been following you now for years and the energy and effort you put into doing what you do is inspiring and changing lives. Thank you
— Manal
I loved the session that we had together and after many years of knowing a little bit about what the right way forward was with food and health, you have managed to take me there, with your passion and drive and more importantly making it all seem very doable! Currently I have my first large pot of chicken stock on, my kifir is fermenting and I had raw chicken liver in my smoothie this morning! I know it will take time for all this glorious nourishment to work its way into my system, and I am very much looking forward to feeling significantly better than I currently do!
— Nichola
I honestly cannot thank you enough for helping me by sharing your extensive knowledge, wisdom, recipes, and ideas on healthy nutrition and lifestyle.
I’m not just excited to lose weight, I’m mainly looking forward to saying good bye to a shitty toxic life!
— Dinah
I just wanted to say how fabulous our coaching session was. I think my partner and I both left with our eyes well and truly opened and it all made so much sense. We went directly to Bone Broth and Larder and bought more stock, the kefir sachets, some chocolate bliss balls and activated nuts to start us on our way. We are transitioning and doing the ‘healthy swaps’ you talked about, and my new mantra is ‘this house has to be the high water bench mark’. I say it a lot. Thank you again for your time to coach us. I really really enjoyed it and loved meeting you. So many new things to take on board but so grateful that we are starting the healthy journey to wholefoods with such a confident, knowledgable and helpful coach behind us
— Dot
You have been a pivotal, life-changing, influence and role model. Thank you so much for generously sharing your incredible maternal insights and knowledge with me. This beautiful little girl that I have created would not look the same without the teaching from you. I am so deeply grateful
— Roni
Before meeting Soulla Chamberlain I had done a lot of work on myself and my diet and was unsure if she would have anything to offer that I didn’t already know. After my fist cooking class with her I was blown away. Soulla backs up all her recipes and philosophies with well-rounded research. This knowledge has helped me connect with those around me by sharing scientific information about why I eat the way I do. As well as help me have a greater understanding of the way my body works and how to look after it. Before seeing Soulla my teeth were transparent and literally falling apart, I had two of my back teeth completely shatter and they had to be taken out. I am only 23 and was concerned about loosing too many of my teeth too young. Until meeting Soulla I did not realise tooth decay was reversible. Soulla gave me some diet tips which I implemented right away and within TWO WEEKS! my teeth became noticeably less transparent and stronger, to the point that people around me were saying what did you do to your teeth? On top of this she has helped bring life back into my kitchen with her exciting easy healthy recipes. I look forward to continuing working with her in the future
— Tegan
I’ve been off my medication for nearly two weeks!!! I can’t even believe it! I was tied to it for SO LONG and one session with you and I’m off it is literally life changing for me. I have no words, just complete gratitude. You’re amazing
— Carol
“My test results for my Lupus have improved dramatically in such a short time whilst doing auto-immune protocol (which I did for 6 weeks). I have my broth 2x a day so I think that also makes a huge difference. My immunologist is shocked and already started to reduce my steroids. I went from 50mg steroids to 5mg in only 2 months. After being on such high dose steroids my doctor couldn’t believe I had lost weight instead of putting on weight. She can’t believe that my face hasn’t puffed up at all from the steroids. She said, whatever your doing keep doing it! I can’t thank you enough”
— Carla
What you do is incredible. You are such a powerful voice, gifting incredible knowledge and wisdom that the world needs. You are amazing! I often think how blessed your children are to have you as their mum
— Nikki
I just want to say thank you for today. I always walk away from your consults with a deep knowing of truth, feeling inspired, & I can’t tell you how much that resonates with me. You make a real difference, I hope you’re told that often!
— Jodi
Just need to share, this morning i managed to get my very difficult 15 year old teenage daughter to have half a cup of kefir for breakfast, followed by freshly made chicken stock with egg yolk and lemon juice. She had it all and thought it was delicious. I have been trying for months now. She is addicted to Mayonaisse and adds it to everything. I now have your home-made mayo recipe that we are going to make next week. Thank You for all your encouragement.
— Maritsa
What a brilliant blog Soulla! Highly inspiring and refreshing to always read your news. Your efforts deserve the attention of a wide audience particularly our younger generation...You have a very youthful spirit which i hope/am sure is bringing in a young generation...i truly looked fwd to your 2017 classes which i fully intend to send both my girls. I cannot remember the last time i was sick thanks to you and the guidance of the RealFood Revolution i attended July 2015. Sadly i am extremely sick wth tonsilitis at present but without me asking for help from my girls...they read my mind and prepared your bone broths for me which has hit the spot...Your operation is having a huge impact in my household in small but very effective steps...i cant thank you enough...i so related to your point about coke zero versus bone broth at the it reminds me of the ridicule my daughters experience at school for eating “unusual” food...i’m proud to say that it has not faulted them and they still stand strong about eating right as you have educated us so well..Keep up your fresh, effervescent approach to managing brilliant business..For me personally, i have highly valued yr excellent customer service/advice and your priority for high quality. THANKS A MILLION!! KALI THINAMI! As the Greeks say “Keep up your strength!
— Maria
Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you. I got my blood results back y’day & I actually have a few issues. You have made such a difference to my life regarding health & nutrition & advice. If it wasn’t for you I would not have seen the GP and had all the tests. I hope all that you do for others comes back ten fold
— Marcy
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your kindness over the past two months. It’s been a great education on many levels. I simply can’t believe how easily I slipped back into eating meat!
— Mira
Your 10Ps to success post is EPIC and I must say it is the best piece I have ever read on any blog, anywhere! I’m sure it took ages to compile, but it was a work of art, Soulla. I LOVED it. Very moving to read as a fellow small business owner, very honest for your followers and a perfect insight into the core values and oft-overlooked challenges. Loved how well you communicated how strongly you believe the customer is ‘always right’. It’s a cliched expression, but also something that very few people truly abide by (to the very end, rather than on just the superficial level
— Georgia
Love you so much Soulla, your energy, dedication, knowledge and inspiration! You’ve helped so many people in creating some form of better in their lives.
Thank you, always A
— Georgia
I love your stories, I literally go oh what are we making today!!! thank you for sharing! You’ve inspired me to cook simply, add more organ meat to my families diet and steam my greens before I put them in a smoothie :) xx
— Indigo
A huge congratulations on the 10th anniversary of Star Anise! I can’t believe it’s 10 years already.
Thank you for your knowledge and support you provide the community. Personally it has had a massive impact on my personal health and my son’s health issues and ability to be the best version of himself. Most of all I am just so happy that you’re living your truth, and flourishing in your purpose. Such an inspiration. Once again congratulations gorgeous 👏🏼🎉💚
— Lynn
Just want to say a big thank you for changing my pathway and hoping if I do become pregnant I can change my children’s path too. Thanks for inspiring me everyday with your videos, consults and workshops
— Vanessa
Hi Soulla, Thank you so much for taking my call today, and for the wealth of information you offered! I have been so stressed and freaked out after finding mould in our bedroom; our daughter has been sleeping with us, so we’ve all been exposed! Speaking to you has given me confidence that I can knock this little beast. I am reading your blogs now. Thank you for all that you do! My daughter and I have been going to the Broth Bar for almost two years, and we have benefited from the beautiful pates, bone broths and brothsicles. 🙏💙
— Emily
Hi Soulla,

I just wanted to sat thank you for your health coaching sessions. I have read widely about healthy eating and for some reason there was still something missing in my diet. Having followed you on instagram for a couple of years, I realised you keep clean eating real and achievable. After only a week of fine tuning my diet I am not snacking between meals and sleeping through the night - YEAH!
— Michelle
Since I have come across your insta you have inspired me. To be a better person, to live a fuller life. To embrace nature and health and I thank you for that. Hopefully I will get to Broth Bar this year to meet you. Much love.
— Marianna
Thank you so much for yesterday - you absolutely OVERDELIVERED & I am so grateful to have found someone who was able to meet me at my level of expertise and take me to the next level!
— Abbie
I LOVED our session and am so grateful for your knowledge and keeping things simple and congruent...just the reminder I needed and other key information to help me make changes
— Shayne
Soulla, you are incredible, thank you. Since I saw you last, I have confidence again, and so much passion for cooking. You have opened up my eyes and brought out my domestic goddess. It’s exactly the push I needed. What a difference a day with you made! My 1 year old daughter is glowing, her skin rash gone, she is thriving, most importantly her appetite has come back ten-fold, and she is really enjoying eating the meal-plan, as are we! She is having fist-fulls of organic bacon and egg cheese scramble and kraut and olive oil carrots. She also now loves her bolognaise since I have started adding bone broth to it every dinner meal. She has a little spoon of pate daily too, it’s so yummy. I’ve noticed she is no longer relying on formula milk too. She actually goes to bed just on a bit of a breast feed and she is happy with that - amazing. I’ve also noticed with myself, that the more bone-broth and salted water I have, the more it curbs my sugar cravings too. Love your work, just love you. Thank you for being so open and caring and sharing your knowledge and recipes. Can’t wait to try them out and use them to improve my family’s nourishment. Such a gift...
— Dominika
Thankyou thankyou for the download last night. You are such a patient and supportive teacher and my health and healing has catapulted in ways I never knew possible after decades of yo-yo dieting and addiction. Meeting you has quite literally changed my life in ways I never knew imagined. You’re amazing
— Jodi
I just wanted to thank you for the bottom of our hearts for going out of your way for my daughter. You have no idea how positive and happy she is after our visit. She has taken everything you have told her on board and staying away from the processed foods. We are both right into the broth and hoping to master sauerkraut tomorrow. You are a walking book of knowledge!
— Rita
I’m just writing to you to let you know that after taking your advice with increasing the amount of organ meats I consume when I’m menstruating for the first time in nine months I have not had any chronic migraines, extreme lethargy and bed ridden pains during this time of the month. I have been eating organ meats daily this past week along with other nutrient dense foods. I’m feeling as great as I usually feel. Thank you so much for your advice. I am amazed that just by increasing the amount of organ meats my debilitating menstrual pains have vanished!
— Tehgan
I cannot believe that I’ve gone from days of nausea and pain (and medication) to feeling free and on the road to good health. Thank you so much, you’ve literally changed my life and I am so grateful
— Jill
Just wanted to say that it was lovely meeting you yesterday and I learned a lot from the consultation. I have re-read the handouts and a few of your blog posts again today and have immediately implemented your recommendations. I already feel a little more clear-headed, more satisfied after a meal and have a little more energy. I have read about a few of the paleo-related ideas in the past, but was still in denial about the facts related to grains and sugar because I thought that it would mean not enjoying food for the rest of my life. Similarly, I was confused about the lean meats idea and found that I was never full after a meal so was constantly eating - which is very time-consuming and tiring! I appreciate not only your extensive knowledge in this field, but especially that you have made it very fun, with exciting blog posts (I always look forward to them) and great recipe ideas. I actually feel very happy when I think about my future eating such satisfying and tasty foods and feeling healthy at the same time - without having to compromise!
— Angie
Thanks so much Soulla. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you for doing what you do. You sharing what you do has changed my life and my kids. You rock!!!!
— Cindy
I loved the session we had together and after many years of knowing a little bit about what the right way forward was with food and health, you have managed to take me there, with your passion and drive and more importantly making it all seem very doable! Currently I have my first large pot of chicken stock on, my kifir is fermenting and I had raw chicken liver in my smoothie this morning! I know it will take time for all this glorious nourishment to work its way into my system, and I am very much looking forward to feeling significantly better than I currently do!
— Nichola
Just wanted to shout out to you Soulla and congratulate you on your hard work, generosity and persistence. Your creativity is inspiring and you’re spreading the word wider and wider. You certainly changed my world. Thank you!
— Alexandra
Dear Soulla, Thanks for everything!! You are amazing and have a wonderful generosity of spirit - I appreciate your support and now fell I am a solid path to recovery. I cooked up all of the chicken livers and, with your meals and a few veggies and salads, I am set up to succeed.
— Julia


Hi Soulla
I just wanted to say what you have built with your little cafe is amazing. I visited from Melbourne during the week & all of your staff were amazing, so friendly & accommodating to a lot of allergies that I have. I could not cook where I was staying so knowing Broth Bar could provide me with organic & nutrient dense meals everyday was a god send. It’s a great little community you have built & thank you for providing that. I will be back.
— Meg
Hi Soulla, just wanted to provide you with some feedback. I came into your store 15mins before close today. I just wanted to commend you on the fabulous, caring, wholesome and friendly staff you have. After what I imagine was a busy and long day, their attitude was exceptional and purely wonderful. I do not live close to the larder, was at Bronte beach today, so thought I’d drop in, though did not want to leave! A massive congratulations to you on embracing a lovely workplace culture that is visible to the outside customer. P.S. I had the gummies for the first time today- simply gorgeous.
— Milad
Hi beautiful Soulla, Just wanted to let you know your store is buzzing beautifully today, I enjoyed the very delicious meal of the day with leftovers for my dinner tonight, winner. Then I treated myself to your new milky way ice cream bar, OMG it was so exquisite the best choc top I have ever eaten! Thank you for always creating for everyone’s enjoyment and nourishment, I am so very grateful.
Much love Rachel xx
— Rachel
Had a Broth drink at your shop today. Absolutely delicious, with Ginger Turmeric and chilli added. Thoroughly impressed with your staff and what the shop has to offer. Looking forward to purchasing the broth cubes to sneak into my sons green juices
— Stephen
Broth Bar & Larder is one place my Mum and I travel to from Monterey for our “dates”. Love your food and so aligned with your ethos. Thanks so much for bringing us delicious traditional food and wisdom from ethical sources!
— Lucy
Honestly Soulla I am in awe of what you have created for the community.
What an important and invaluable gift of wellness you give everyday.
What a blessing you are.
— Rebecca
Hi Soulla - I absolutely love your page, ethos and all you do. Coming from a 20 something year old you really are inspiring and have changed the way society & myself views nourishment, health & longevity.
— Paris
Thank you for your sharing your knowledge soulla. I just wanted to share with you how thankful I am that I stumbled upon your cafe 2 years ago. Meeting you has been life changing. I’m finally eating for health and not just a number on a scale. I’m Im enjoying the journey of better health and i wouldnt have been able to do it without your knowledge and support of ppl in your community. For the first time i don’t feel alone. Thank you for your advice on the cholesterol results. I’ll wait to chat with Emily. Looking into doing a liver detox till my appointment. thank you Soulla
— Jasmin
Hey. I normally make my own chicken stock and soup from scratch so I’m pretty fussy with quality and taste etc. Lately work is crazy so if I don’t have time to cook and/or meal prep I like to have things in the freezer for emergency meals. I’ve been relying on your chicken soups as they’re the best quality around, BY FAR. Thank you so much for the fresh and wholesome food you and your team prepare. So much tasteless ready-to-eat meals on the market full of crap ingredients. Broth Bar is the standout!
— Geoff
Soulla! We are so happy to be back sitting on your beautiful magic carpet again. The kids quite literally hung around all afternoon…before leaving only due to expanding bellies full of kombucha, salami, gruyere, biscuits, gummies and many many broths! So grateful for your beautiful bar where I can let the kids run wild with their food choices, and not have to worry about what they’re consuming
— Lisa
Well Soulla, I took my wife to the broth bar this morning and wow. What an absolute pleasure, well worth our trip from country victoria. My wife was just in heaven. Please pass on a big thank you to Katie and the team. Love your work there!!! Once again thank you
— Adrian
I have been so so keen to come visit for years - and it was so divine! Thank you for creating somewhere so special xx
— Emma
Hi Soulla. I came to broth bar today and bought your broth cubes with spinach, fallow cubes, raspberries jellies, chicken zoodle soup which I love and the green soup which is also a face of mine. I had some broth whist there and my friends had the cold tomato soup and the pumpkin soup which was amazing! We also bought some activated nuts. Just wanted to say a big thank you for providing this amazing little place where we can go and feel safe to eat food quality nutrient dense organic whole foods!
— Dee Dee
Just have to say....I was in Sydney recently for two days and the Broth Bar and Larder was first on my list of places to visit. I was not disappointed in the least. Best broth I’ve tasted yet! Oh...and the raspberry gummies and bread rolls....were.... amazing! We need a place like this in Melbourne!!! Congratulations on your success and thank you for sharing with the world.
— Georgia
By far THE BEST sauerkraut I’ve tasted. And I’ve tasted many.
— Linda
I love Broth Bar and all your products!!! Thank you for creating magic!
— Phoebe
You are such an inspiration to me and countless others. Broth Bar is my favourite place to eat hands down. Please know that Broth Bar has provided an oasis and place of healing for me one meal at a time.
— Catherine
A small note that my husband and I visited your beautiful BB&L over the weekend and it was just heaven. I’m so glad to have stumbled across your Instagram four years ago, became a member of your YL community and you helped me get through the last couple of years with your advice and strength.
— Sophia
I enjoyed it so much! I could taste the love in the food, such magic. Thank you for having me, I’ll be back! xx
— Emma